Friday, November 20, 2009

Obnoxious Movie Goers

It's Friday -- which means new movies are opening. And if you're someone who likes to go the movies often, you know that despite the huge screen and astonishing surround sound, the theater can be one of the most annoying places to be for two hours -- thanks to the nine most obnoxious moviegoers ...

9. The frequent urinator who sits in the middle of the row and gets up 10 times during the movie.

8. The seven-foot giant or big-haired Bertha. Yep, they will choose the seat right in front of you.

7. The lovebirds making out behind you -- making the kissing noises and kicking the back of your seat.

6. The loud laugher. Whether he/she laughs at the appropriate time -- or an inappropriate time -- their laugh is loud and annoying.

5. The loud eaters shoveling handfuls of popcorn into their mouths, crinkling bags, chomping on candy, and sucking loudly on straws.

4. The critic, who instead of just sitting and watching the movie, has to get all Roger Ebert on everyone.

3. The echo guy -- he feels compelled to repeat every line spoken in the film.

2. The terrible toddler. Whose bright idea was it to bring the kid to the non-G-rated movie?

1. Cell phone girl. She apparently missed the announcement asking that phones be turned off and was absent the day they taught manners, so little miss chatty chatterbox talks through the whole movie.
