Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolutions All Guys Should Make


Have you made your New Year's resolution for 2010? Let me guess -- you're going to quit smoking and go on a diet and exercise more, right? Boring. You've already tried those and failed miserably. Try these instead ... has 10 resolutions that all men should make and follow through on in 2010:

10. Do something productive around the house without hiring someone to do it.

09. Read a big book.

08. Make an appointment for a checkup.

07. Go to a career conference.

06. Devote more time to your hobbies.

05. Workout using the P90X (Power 90 Extreme) home exercise system.

04. Open a savings account.

03. Conquer a fear.

02. Help someone else.

01. Visit a new destination.